Welcome to our new website! I think you’ll find it an excellent resource for information on laser aligning almost any kind of machine. We’re especially pleased to introduce several forums that allow you to request information or support, share success stories and interact with others who may have similar manufacturing challenges to yours. We have a large community of customers and we’re excited about enabling our users to talk to each other and to us.
The goal of our new site is to offer as much “how-to” laser alignment information as possible, but at the same time, make it easier for us to hear from you. We are really interested in your thoughts and ideas, so if you have any requests, please let us know. Our business was built on solving complex alignment problems that you told us about, so we can’t do that without listening to you!
Another goal of our new site is to make a concerted effort to combat one of our biggest challenges: lack of basic alignment knowledge. It is amazing how many times we’ve worked with extremely smart engineers, and even a few PhD’s, who make big mistakes from lack of understanding basic alignment principles. So we’d like to start a campaign of alignment education – and I hope you’ll check on my blog where I will share tips and tidbits on the various misconceptions we run into – and how to do the job right. Right now I only plan on a few blog posts a month, so don’t worry about getting endless emails on alignment tips.
New features in our site include: customer and tech support forums, a PDF Datasheet Download Page, a revamped and updated Product Index, and a What’s New page with lots of new products. We have more planned so please check back regularly.
At Hamar Laser, we not only started the laser alignment industry in 1967, but we also continue to set new standards with every product we introduce. We’re continuously looking for ways to make your job easier, improve accuracy and minimize machine downtime, so the more we hear from you, the quicker we can improve our products and make your life easier!
We look forward to hearing your feedback, so be sure to register on our forum and let us know how you’re doing (and how we’re doing.)
Finally, to our customers, we say a heartfelt, “THANKS! for all the years of being loyal Hamar Laser users!” And to our future customers, we say, “let us show you how easy machine alignment can be!”
Best regards,
Rod Hamar,